Unlock your full health potential by Understanding your genetic blueprint

Genetic Code Counseling For Individuals & Providers

SNP Specialist

Understanding your genetic code is the key to becoming the best version of yourself. Our Genetic Specialist Program helps you crack your DNA code so we can tailor programming specific to your genetics.

At SNP Specialist, we work to unlock the power of your DNA to help you redefine what's possible in life. Through our concierge genetic counseling, we address the key questions surrounding genetic testing with tangible results. These include:

  • How does understanding my genetic code impact me?

  • What can I expect from the genetic review?

  • Does biohacking really work?

  • What level of detail does a genetic test reveal?

  • What actionable insights does genetic testing provide me?

SNP Specialist

Understanding your genetic code is the key to becoming the best version of yourself. Our Genetic Specialist Program helps you crack your DNA code so we can tailor programming specific to your genetics.

At SNP Specialist, we work to unlock the power of your DNA to help you redefine what's possible in life. Through our concierge genetic counseling, we address the key questions surrounding genetic testing with tangible results. These include:

  • How does understanding my genetic code impact me?

  • What can I expect from the genetic review?

  • Does biohacking really work?

  • What level of detail does a genetic test reveal?

  • What actionable insights does genetic testing provide me?

 "I was finally able to see what factors lead to my underlying conditions"

What are the benefits of genetic testing?

Understanding your genetic code will help you..

  • Identify genetic weaknesses related to underlying conditions

  • Create diet plans specific to your genetic needs

  • Tailor lifestyle changes for preventive care

  • Slow down the aging process

  • Implement essential biohacking tactics to overcome genetic weaknesses

  • Become the best version of yourself!

"Our family is forever grateful"

Our daughter has had a tic condition for quite a few years. It has been a rollercoaster since she was formerly diagnosed with Tourette’s and came as a shock to all of us. We felt hopeless when every doctor, including Neurologist, informed us that there was nothing we can do to help our little girl. We felt such desperation and so alone in this struggle. Until we met Pina & SNP Specialist.

They, quite literally, took us by the hand, explaining and guiding us thoroughly through every stage in her process.

My daughter has improved tremendously, and has very minimal episodes compared to before. We feel confident that with the knowledge she gave us, we will now be able to effectively control and help our daughter through this condition. Our family is forever grateful for Pina & SNP Specialist showing us the way.

- The Alfieri Family

Our daughter has had a tic condition for quite a few years. It has been a rollercoaster since she was formerly diagnosed with Tourette’s and came as a shock to all of us. We felt hopeless when every doctor, including Neurologist, informed us that there was nothing we can do to help our little girl. We felt such desperation and so alone in this struggle. Until we met Pina & SNP Specialist.

They, quite literally, took us by the hand, explaining and guiding us thoroughly through every stage in her process.

My daughter has improved tremendously, and has very minimal episodes compared to before. We feel confident that with the knowledge she gave us, we will now be able to effectively control and help our daughter through this condition. Our family is forever grateful for Pina & SNP Specialist showing us the way.

The Alfieri Family

Neck Pain Treatment

I found the process to be informative and eye opening. I have spent 20+ years’ experiencing many symptoms of concern...I have been to many doctors/specialists over the years and although I received medication to manage my symptoms, the root cause of why I was experiencing these symptoms was never able to be uncovered. That is until I started working with a SNP Specialist and realized there were so many factors that played into my health conditions.

I followed their plan precisely and I can say that currently I have never felt better. I did not think it was possible to live without belly pain. I thought it would be something I would struggle with my entire life.

I would recommend their services to anyone who not only wants to feel better but who is seeking to find the real causes of their pain. I highly recommend working with Pina Prainito and Brad Mullens from SNP Specialist. I am elated to finally feeling better than I ever have before.

Giovanna Kroboth

Back Pain Treatment

Personalized Optimization Through Genetic Education

The SNP Specialist Approach

Personalized Optimization Through Genetic Education

The SNP Specialist Approach

Step 1

Secure your Nutrigenomics Genetic testing.

Click the green button below to get started!

Step 2

Schedule your genetic consoling appointment with a SNP Specialist to review your test results.

Step 3

Your SNP Specialist will help identify recommended treatment programs.

Specific to your genetic code 👍

Step 4

Together, we'll build an action plan for your provider to implement the recommended treatment regiment.

Step 5

Gain access to the recommended products to assist in your treatment protocols

Step 1

Secure your Nutrigenomics Genetic testing.

Click the green button below to get started!

Step 2

Schedule your genetic consoling appointment with a SNP Specialist to review your test results.

Step 3

Your SNP Specialist will help identify recommended treatment programs.

Specific to your genetic code 👍

Step 4

Together, we'll build an action plan for your provider to implement the recommended treatment regiment.

Step 5

Gain access to the recommended products to assist in your treatment protocols

Personalized Optimization Through Genetic Education

The SNP Specialist Approach

Advanced Testing

Nutrigenomics testing is the first step in creating an actionable, customized, precision-based wellness plan. We've partnered with NBX Wellness if you have not already received testing.

Personalized Treatment Regiments

Individualized treatment plans specific to your genetic coding

Comprehensive Analysis

Our analysis of your Nutrigenomics Genetic Test will provide powerful information in an easy-to-understand format. We organize your test results in 4 phases we discuss below.

Actionable Recommendations

The Nutrigenomics Genetic Test will provide insight into your genetic code that can help you make informed choices in regard to diet, lifestyle, and nutritional supplements.

Concierge Service

Your SNP Specialist will walk through the results of your nutrigenomics test and prepare you with a detailed action plan for meeting with your provider. If you are in search of a provider, we have a network of trusted providers we can refer you to!

Provider Support

Your providers will work with you to develop a long-term wellness plan. Together, you will review your test results to develop a precise wellness plan tailored to your genetic makeup.

What You Will Learn From A Nutrigenomics Genetic Test

by NBX Wellness

  • SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism): A "SNP" is a genetic mutation on a specific gene that impacts the way you feel!

  • Specific nutritional supplements and therapeutic suggestions for patient and their provider.

  • Specific nutritional recommendations needed to overcome identified genetic weaknesses.

  • Lifestyle recommendations a patient should consider to achieve optimal genetic efficiency.

Take Back Control Of Your Health Today.

"I thought it would be something I would struggle with my entire life"

I found the process to be informative and eye opening. I have spent 20+ years’ experiencing many symptoms of concern...I have been to many doctors/specialists over the years and although I received medication to manage my symptoms, the root cause of why I was experiencing these symptoms was never able to be uncovered. That is until I started working with a SNP Specialist and realized there were so many factors that played into my health conditions.

I followed their plan precisely and I can say that currently I have never felt better. I did not think it was possible to live without belly pain. I thought it would be something I would struggle with my entire life.

I would recommend their services to anyone who not only wants to feel better but who is seeking to find the real causes of their pain. I highly recommend working with Pina Prainito and Brad Mullens from SNP Specialist. I am elated to finally feeling better than I ever have before.

- Giovanna Kroboth

Actionable Insights For Optimized Health & Wellness

A personalized nutri-genomic analysis specific to your genetic code

  • Nutritional & therapeutic suggestions tailored to your genetic positioning

  • Lifestyle recommendations to achieve optimal genetic efficiency

  • Recommendations for additional testing to confirm findings, if necessary.

About Us

Our team of SNP Specialist are trained to help save patients time in starting treatment with their NBX Wellness certified providers. We provide the initial consultation to you, allowing for easier implementation and more meaningful discussion with your physician on the very first visit.

Why SNP Specialist

SNP Specialist is proud to interactively explain the most comprehensive Nutrigenomic testing and interpretation platform available. Our customized software is specifically designed for medical professionals and allows the provider to validate a patient’s specific nutritional needs, lifestyle recommendations, and health precautions based on the patient’s individual DNA findings.

SNP Specialist uses secure video meeting that is recorded for both the provider and patient. We also provide a written recommended treatment regimen that you can discuss with your healthcare professional.

About Us

Our team of SNP Specialist are trained to help save patients time in starting treatment with their NBX Wellness certified providers. We provide the initial consultation to you, allowing for easier implementation and more meaningful discussion with your physician on the very first visit.

Why SNP Specialist

SNP Specialist is proud to interactively explain the most comprehensive Nutrigenomic testing and interpretation platform available. Our customized software is specifically designed for medical professionals and allows the provider to validate a patient’s specific nutritional needs, lifestyle recommendations, and health precautions based on the patient’s individual DNA findings.

SNP Specialist uses secure video meeting that is recorded for both the provider and patient. We also provide a written recommended treatment regimen that you can discuss with your healthcare professional.

Start Your Journey

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Please provide your information so we can send you important details about registering to receive your Nutrigenomics Genetic Test!

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Start Your Journey

SNP Specialist Logo

Please provide your information so we can send you important details about registering to receive your Nutrigenomics Genetic Test!

Choose your provider or need a provider*

I confirm that I am opting in receive content from this company using any contact information I provide.

"Genetic counseling helps you crack the code of your DNA to unlock your highest potential"

Frequently Asked Questions

A personalized nutrigenomic analysis specific to your genetic code

How much does genetic counseling cost?

The cost for a video recorded interactive genetic review is $299.

What can I expect to learn from the genetic analysis and review?

Your dedicated SNP Specialist will be interacting with you via video meeting. They will discuss the biochemical pathways from your DNA test results and explain your genetic blueprint in terms of how it may be affecting your current and future health.

Can your genes be turned on or off?

The genes we test are non-epigenically modifiable genes and cannot be turned on and off.  These are considered foundational genes. However, your diet, environment, and lifestyle choices can majorly affect the expression of those genes.

What level of detail does the test provide?

We use NBX Wellness for testing and their analysis looks at over 100 clinically relevant genes that can impact your current health and overall wellness.

How does the process work?

After purchasing an NBX Wellness Nutrigenomics Test and submitting for testing, wait until you you receive test results from the lab (about 2 weeks). You will then schedule an appointment for a time that works best for you. Once you receive an email confirmation that your genetic video meeting is scheduled, you will login to a secure meeting and the SNP Specialist goes through your results with you. We provider recommended bio hacks, custom peptides, and professional grade nutraceuticals.

What actionable recommendations does your service help provide?

We map out several phases of treatment over a defined period of time with specific dosage, titration, and timing to discuss with your healthcare provider.

Why use SNP Specialist?

Hearing explanations of new concepts, biochemistry, and genetic factors can be a little overwhelming to hear for the first time with your medical provider.  We educate the patient before their scheduled appointment with their doctor and record it so it can be viewed several times.  The result is a much more meaningful conversation between provider and patient.  It also saves time because the patient is not hearing the information for the first time. 

How is the DNA sample collected?

The Nutrigenomics Genetic test from NBX Wellness is a cheek swab using saliva as the DNA sample.

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